Special Research Areas:
- Urticaria
- Mastocytosis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Mast cell biology

The experimental basic research is focused on mast cells and their interaction with other tissue cells. Most cells are immune cells resident on the skin and nocuous membranes at the body.
Mast cells are involved in itching and allergies through the release of histamin, because of the high content of inflammatory mediators, mast cells also play an important role in the immune response of the skin, among other things in the suppressing of skin tumors and the elimination of poisonous substances.
For the basic research there are a couple of human mast cell models available. Amongst others a three dimensional skin model has been developed to examine the close connection between the mast cells and keratinocytesn in different disease conditions like eczema and epidermal neoplasia.
Additionally tibtoblasts and T-lymphocytes can be integrated into the model.
The clinical research is focused on inflammatory diseases of the skin. A main aspect in the clinical research is the so called translational research with the aim to speed up the implementation of new scientific knowledge to the daily routine to improve diagnosis and treatment of patients. Some examples are the development of new diagnostic devices and therapeutic methods in dermatology.